Saturday 25 February 2012

Film icon takes a leap of faith into the Zambezi River

An adventurer, writer and television presenter Grylls put his stamp of approval on Victoria Falls Bungee on Monday.

He becomes one of the high profile people including Zambia’s Minister of Information, Broadcasting and Tourism, Mr Given Lubinda to jump off the bridge after an Australian tourist’s bungee cord snapped on New Year’s Eve.

Erin Langworthy miraculously survived the jump after a bungee cord broke, resulting in her plunging into the mighty Zambezi River from a height of about 20 metres.

Langworthy managed to swim to the Zimbabwean side of the river where she was rescued by the bridge crew and a local medical response team.

After the jump, Grylls said: “I had to come and test this out for myself since your widely publicised incident. The jump was an awesome experience.”

Some of Grylls adventures include crossing north Atlantic Arctic Ocean, in an open rigid inflatable boat.

In 2005, Grylls created a world record for the highest open-air formal dinner party, under a hot-air balloon at 7 600 metres dressed in full mess dress and oxygen masks.

To train for the event, he made more than 200 parachute jumps.

In 2007, Grylls claimed to have broken a new world record by flying a Parajet paramotor over the Himalayas, higher than Mount Everest.

Grylls, along with the double amputee Al Hodgson and the Scotsman Freddy MacDonald, set a Guinness world record in 2008 for the longest continuous indoor freefall.

In an interview yesterday, Shearwater Adventures group public relations manager Mr Clement Mukwasi said the activity was going on well adding that they had since implemented new measures to prevent a similar mishap in future.

“The steps we have taken include the daily load testing of the bungee cords to confirm their strength and thorough inspections of the bungee cords after every 75 jumps,” he said.

Source: Film icon takes a leap of faith into the Zambezi River (23/02/12)

Friday 24 February 2012

Victoria Safari Lodge pours $2,7 million into new wing

Chief executive of Africa Albida Tourism, owners of the lodge, Mr Ross Kennedy, said the wing, named Induna Club, comprised exclusive 20 luxury rooms and a club while $300 000 would be spent redesigning existing public areas.

The Induna Club is scheduled to open its doors in August.

Mr Kennedy said the investment by his company was part of the general development taking place in Victoria Falls as players showed confidence in the sector.

He said many “good news” stories were coming from the tourism sector.

He said tourist arrivals in Victoria Falls grew by more than 19 percent in 2011 compared to 2010.
Some of the main hotels in the resort reported their best years since 1999.

Victoria Falls Safari Lodge had the best July occupancy in 10 years in 2011 at 70 percent.

“At the group’s award-winning Boma-Place of Eating restaurant located on the same resort, only July 2007 had better covers with 183 covers per night, and July 2011 delivering 163 covers per night,” he said.

Mr Kennedy said statistics coming from the sector were the more impressive because they were driven by revenue per room available and not low rates.

He attributed the resurgence of the tourism sector to the introduction in 2009 of the American dollar as the base currency and political stability which was making Zimbabwe a viable and popular holiday destination for tourists.

“With a wealth of natural treasures, including the magnificent Victoria Falls, luxurious and affordable safari and hotel accommodation all serviced by reputedly the most hospitable people in Africa, Zimbabwe has so much to offer local and international visitors. People, culture, history, monuments, wildlife, art, sport — Zimbabwe has it all,” he said.

Source: Victoria Safari Lodge pours $2,7 million into new wing (23/2/12)