Thursday 21 February 2013

Namibia to declare Kavango River as Ramsar Site

Catching up on some news from last month, soundings from Government Ministers in Namibia indicate that the country is preparing to list the Kvango River as a Ramsar Site. The section to be listed lies within the Bwabwata National Park. Also known as the Lower Okavango River, the designation is significant because of the importance of a co-ordinated management strategy for the Okavango and Zambezi Rivers.
Namibia currently has four sites listed under the Ramsar Convention; Walvis Bay, Sandwich Harbour, Orange River Mouth and Etoshia National Park.
Namibia, together with neighbours Botswana, Zambia, and most recently Zimbabwe, are all signatories to the Ramsar Convention on the protection of wetlands of international importance.
Source: Lower Okavango to be declared Ramsar Site.

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