Wednesday 21 March 2018

IDBZ on Vic Falls water and sanitation

Victoria Falls requires at least $15,7 million for expansion and rehabilitation of water and sanitation infrastructure to support more than 5 000 properties in the resort town.

According to a budget proposal by Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe (IDBZ), which advises Government on major infrastructure projects, Victoria Falls, being Zimbabwe’s tourism prime destination requires massive investment to upgrade its water and sanitation facilities

Victoria Falls had a population of 33 600 and received an average of 50 000 tourist per annum according to the 2012 national census. Tourists arrivals have since increased significantly following the upgrading of the Victoria Falls airport which has resulted in massive increase in flights to the resort town.

“Victoria Falls like many urban centres in Zimbabwe has been affected by many years of under investment in maintenance of its sewerage and water infrastructure.

“Overloading of the existing system is evident from marked increase in sewer blockages and deterioration of quality of treated sewage effluent which is now polluting local water courses,” said IDBZ.

The budget also proposes increased spending for the sewer connection and infrastructure while the installation prepaid water meters is prioritised.

“The main project outcomes are improved household access to municipal water supply, reduced environmental pollution from raw sewage, and improved utility water revenue collection efficiency,” part of the proposal reads.

At the moment feasibility studies have been done.

Last month, Victoria Falls Municipality introduced a tight water rationing regime in the tourist resort town, following shortages of water treatment chemicals.

According to the town fathers, their regular supplier of water treatment chemicals had cut supplies, citing foreign currency shortages.

Ironically, residents have been running for weeks without tap water despite living on shores of the Zambezi River.

Some places have also gone for years without adequate running water and a sewer reticulation system.

Source: IDBZ on Vic Falls water and sanitation (20/03/18)

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