Monday 5 March 2018

Vic Falls safari operator robbed

A VICTORIA FALLS safari operator, Alison Baker, reportedly lost goods worth thousands of dollars to two suspected robbers who broke into her house last week, undressed and dragged her to nearby bushes, with her hands tied together before ransacking her house.

Baker owns Horseback Safari Tours in the resort town.
Officer Commanding Victoria Falls Police district, Chief Superintendent Jairos Chiwona, said no arrests had been made, although they were still investigating the matter.
Sources said the suspects went away with cash and electronic gadgets worth thousands of dollars.
“After dumping her in the bush, they went back to the house and stole a large amount of money in pounds, rands and United States dollars, a laptop, a Canon camera and a Samsung cellphone she was using. They then went back to the bush and took her to her house while still tied until she was discovered in the morning,” the police source said.
The tourism community in the resort town has offered a $2 000 cash reward for anyone with information leading to the arrest of the suspects.
Baker is currently receiving post-trauma counselling at a private hospital in Bulawayo.
In a related matter, two suspected robbers have been locked-up in remand prison for allegedly robbing a Mbalabala resident of $200, after attacking him at a bar before force marching him to his home, where they collected an additional $400.
The matter was heard by Esigodini resident magistrate, Tawanda Muchemwa, on Thursday last week when Mamba Sibanda (38) of Mbalabala Compound and Zibusiso Dube (35) of Swaith village Esigodini were brought to court.
They were not asked to plead to the robbery charge and were remanded in custody to March 8 for trial.
Prosecutor, Jefter Nyikadzinashe, told the court that on September 10 last year the complainant, Son Tshabalala (56) of Esigodini, was drinking beer at Mbalabala Night Club, when Sibanda and Dube pounced on him in the evening demanding money but he resisted them.
Dube allegedly grabbed Tshabalala while Sibanda assaulted him forcing him to surrender his wallet containing $200.

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