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Sunday, 2 February 2025

Victoria Falls named as Ramsar World Wetland City

Victoria Falls has been named among 31 cities across the world as a 'Ramsar wetland city.' The listing, made under the Ramsar International Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, highlights the vital role that wetlands play in supporting vital ecosystem functions for people and wildlife.

The Wetland City Accreditation scheme encourages cities in close proximity to and dependent on wetlands - especially those designated Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance - to promote the conservation and wise use of urban and peri-urban wetlands, as well as sustainable socio-economic benefits for local people.

Zimbabwe ratified the Ramsar Convention in 2012 and has since designated seven sites as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites), including Victoria Falls, Driefontein Grasslands, Middle Zambezi/Mana Pools, Lake Chivero, Monavale Vlei, Chinhoyi Caves and Cleveland Dam. The announcement was made in advance of World Wetlands Day 2025, 2 February, under the theme: 'Protecting Wetlands For Our Common Future.'

"Wetlands are critical for our country's well-being, providing essential services such as flood control, climate regulation, and supporting local livelihoods," said Angella Kabira, the Principal Natural Resources Officer in the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Wildlife.

A recent survey conducted by the Environmental Management Authority found that over half of Zimbabwe's wetlands are considerably degraded and 26 percent are seriously deteriorated, while only 17 percent are in perfect condition.

Victoria Falls will host the 15th Conference of the Contracting Parties (Cop15) to the Ramsar Convention on wetlands in Victoria Falls from 23-31 July 2025. The event will focus global attention on Zimbabwe's management of the Victoria Falls and recent unsuitable tourism developments within the Victoria Falls National Park, also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

"As we host this global event, we are committed to showcasing our progress and collaborating with international partners to further strengthen wetland management," added Phanuel Mangisi the Ramsar Convention-National focal person and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Manager at the Environmental Management Authority (EMA).

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Gandiwa appointed new ZimParks boss

THE Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks) has entered a new era following yesterday’s appointment of Professor Edson Gandiwa as its new director-general.

He succeeds Dr Fulton Mangwanya who was recently appointed Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) director-general.

At the handover ceremony in Harare yesterday, Prof Gandiwa expressed appreciation for the opportunity to lead ZimParks.

“I accept this significant leadership role with profound gratitude and humility,” he said.

“It is difficult to fill the void left by such a unique leader, but as we look ahead, we are motivated by his commitment to conservation and his legacy of hard work.”

Dr Mangwanya expressed heartfelt gratitude for his tenure at ZimParks.

He emphasised the broader significance of wildlife conservation, saying ZimParks’ mission extends beyond mere protection, to contributing to sustainable development goals, including poverty eradication.

“It has been a pleasure to serve as director-general alongside you all,” said Dr Mangwanya.

“Our work is not just about conserving for the sake of conserving; it is about ensuring that wildlife conservation benefits all Zimbabweans.”

Mr Edward Samuriwo, Acting Permanent Secretary for Environment, Climate and Wildlife, highlighted the historic nature of this transition.

“This handover is a milestone for ZimParks,” he noted, emphasising Dr Mangwanya’s lasting impact on Zimbabwe’s conservation landscape.

Mrs Sithembile Ncube, acting chairperson of the ZimParks board, expressed her unwavering support for Prof Gandiwa.

Source: Gandiwa appointed new ZimParks boss (15/01/25)

Monday, 23 December 2024

Victoria Falls City Council development 'masterplan' aims to annex conservation areas for development

(Keep Victoria Falls Wild, December 2024)

Victoria Falls City Council development 'masterplan' aims to annex conservation areas for development while claims of corruption raise concerns over process

In October 2024, following stakeholder consultations held in April (VFCC, April 2024), Victoria Falls City Council released details of the proposed new development 'masterplan' for the future expansion and growth of the urban settlement.

"The Victoria Falls City Council, hereby gives notice, in terms of subsection (2) of section 15 of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act, Chapter 29: 12, as read with section 8 of the Regional, Town and Country Planning (Master and Local Plans) Regulations (RGN 248 of 1977), that the Draft Victoria Falls Master Plan has been Adopted and is now on public exhibition commencing 17th October 2024 and ending 16th December 2024." (VFCC, October 2024)

In November the Draft Plan and supporting documents and maps were made available to download online on the Council's website (VFCC, November 2024).

- Victoria Falls Master Plan - Draft Report of Study (April 2024)

- Victoria Falls Master Plan - Draft Written Statement (July 2024)

- Victoria Falls Master Plan - Main Map (Preferred Option)

- Victoria Falls Master Plan - Supporting Map (insert section)

In media reports Victoria Falls town planner, Ms Ntombizami Ncube, stated

"Our masterplan is now a public exhibition. We have already advertised two issues and we are waiting for the third issue... The masterplan will be on public exhibition for the next two months and we request all stakeholders to visit the Victoria Falls Town Planning offices or our website, all the documents are there for viewing. Issues that came out was the need to balance conservation of nature and development planning needs. We would want to expand, we don’t want to encroach into any restricted zones, especially the World Heritage Site, we are not touching." (Victoria Falls Bits and Blogs, November 2024)

The Draft Plan proposes to significantly expand the area controlled under the Council from just 22 square km to over 244 square km, including the Victoria Falls National Park and a section of the Zambezi National Park, the Masuwe Special Economic Zone, Nakavango Forest and Fuller Forest areas, all previously protected for conservation (see map below - click to download larger jpg file). The proposal includes the identification of some 12 square km of land protected under the Zambezi National Park for development as part of the Council controlled 'land grab'.

It is unclear why the expanded Council controlled area is proposed to cover the Victoria Falls National Park and a significant section of the Zambezi National Park, beyond that identified for development, and the supporting Plan documents make no reference to this significant expansion into National Park protected areas. These two National Parks are currently under the exclusive responsibility of the Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Authority. It is also unclear why such a substantial area of Forestry controlled land to the south of the City is proposed to be included within the new expanded Council controlled area.

The plan offers no trade-off for the loss of the previously protected area of the Zambezi National Park to development expansion. We believe consideration should be given of returning the northern un-developed half of the existing Council controlled area (outlined in white, below) to National Park control, with the tourism concessions within this area also to be transferred to the management of the Park Authority. This area is an important wildlife corridor allowing access to the river above the Falls for elephant, buffalo and other species and was, until the mid-1970s protected as part of the greater Victoria Falls National Park. It is also essential to the integrity of the Victoria Falls World Heritage Site which covers the river corridor above and below the Falls. No new development, or expansion of existing developments, should be allowed in this area and the long term aim should be to return as much of this area to nature as possible.

The Plan presents no forecasts or modelling estimates of the projected growth in tourism capacity, which will see increasing peak-season tourist visitor pressures at the Victoria Falls World Heritage Site, while the strong seasonality of tourism to the Falls will see hotels and lodges empty for half the year and promised employment opportunities limited to short-term seasonal contracts.

Meanwhile the claims of corruption which surround Victoria Falls Town Clerk, Mr Ronnie Dube, and who has overseen the development of the Plan, raise serious doubts over the integrity of the Master Plan process (Victoria Falls Bits and Blogs, December 2024a). The apparent extension of his term of office beyond the maximum two four-year periods is un-procedural and raises yet further questions (Victoria Falls Bits and Blogs, June 2024), as does his reinstatement by a Government Minister following his suspension pending investigation into the significant and serious corruption claims (Victoria Falls Bits and Blogs, December 2024b).

Map showing proposed expansion of Victoria Falls City Council controlled area

Map showing proposed expansion of Victoria Falls City Council controlled area, annotated to highlight current area under Council control (white), the area proposed to be annexed from Zambezi National Park (red) and Masuwe Development Zone (purple). Click image for larger (un-annotated) jpg version - 5.37mb. The map clearly shows the Victoria Falls National Park as within proposed new Council Controlled area.

Map showing proposed enlarged section of central Victoria Falls City Council controlled area

Map showing proposed enlarged section of central Victoria Falls City Council controlled area (click image for larger jpg version - 1.15mb).


Victoria Falls Bits and Blogs (June 2024) Pushback as Victoria Falls council boss clings to power. 15th June.

Victoria Falls Bits and Blogs (November 2024) Victoria Falls masterplan open to scrutiny.

Victoria Falls Bits and Blogs (December 2024a) Corruption and abuse of office: Victoria Falls Town Clerk and 2024 CEO of the year suspended. 5th December.

Victoria Falls Bits and Blogs (December 2024b) Government reverses ‘unprocedural suspension’ of Victoria Falls Town Clerk Ronnie Dube. 8th December.

Victoria Falls City Council (April 2024) City Master Plan: Shaping the Future of Victoria Falls.

Victoria Falls City Council (October 2024) Notice of Draft Master Plan on Public Exhibition.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

NRZ to dispose of scrap wagons, coaches

THE National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) has announced plans to dispose of 422 scrap wagons and some decades-old passenger coaches in Bulawayo, Harare and other locations across the country.

The disposal process will include various metals such as copper, steel, cast iron and aluminium, which will be sold through a tender system advertised in the media this week.

NRZ public relations manager, Mr Andrew Kunambura, said 51 decommissioned passenger coaches that were burnt to shells in a raging fire that razed part of the Bulawayo mechanical workshop will not be part of the scrap to be auctioned.

“We are not disposing of any of the decommissioned coaches that were burnt in September 2024. The reason why the NRZ is disposing of some of the old wagons and coaches as scrap is because the property has outlived its life span and can no longer be used commercially,” he said.

“The value of the old wagons and coaches is now only in scrap form.”

Mr Kunambura said the parastatal does not dispose of any of its property that is still commercially usable. In September, a fire broke out at the NRZ’s Bulawayo mechanical workshop and destroyed 51 decommissioned passenger coaches.

The decommissioned passenger coaches were reduced to shells in a suspected veld fire, which took the Bulawayo Fire Brigade over four hours to extinguish.

Part of the property that will be sold as scrap metal by NRZ includes 346 scrap wagons stationed in various locations around the country.

In Bulawayo and Harare, 76 scrap coaches and cabooses will be disposed of. At the Bulawayo mechanical workshop, 244 tonnes of ungraded steel will be sold while five LPG tankers in Zvishavane, Kadoma, Chegutu, Norton and Harare are set to be auctioned.

About 309 tonnes of graded steel will be sold in Bulawayo while 27 wagons will be sold in Dabuka, Gweru. The NRZ also plans to get rid of 1,58 tonnes of copper from its Bulawayo main stores depot while property such as coach generators and coach rotors from the Bulawayo mechanical workshop will be sold in addition to aluminium weighing three tonnes and two tonnes of cast iron from the same site will be disposed of.

Source: NRZ to dispose of scrap wagons, coaches (17/12/24)

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Vic Falls still pulling tourists despite the drought (Zambia)

 (December 2024)

Despite the negative impact of climate change on the Victoria Falls in Livingstone, the world heritage site recorded an increase in visitations in the first  three quarters of this year compared to last year.

Tourism Minister RODNEY SIKUMBA told ZNBC News that 80,000 visitations were recorded by the third quarter of this compared to the 57,000 visitations recorded the same period last year.

Mr SIKUMBA said by end of the third quarter, the country recorded 1.7 million tourist visitations.

He said despite challenges occasioned by the drought, Zambia has continued to host important conferences and meetings which contribute positively to the country’s tourism.

Source: Vic Falls still pulling tourists despite the drought (17/12/24)

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Government reverses 'unprocedural suspension' of Victoria Falls Town Clerk Ronnie Dube

THE Minister of Local Government and Public Works Daniel Garwe has ordered Victoria Falls City Council Mayor Councillor Prince Thuso Moyo to reverse the suspension of Town Clerk Mr Ronnie Dube with immediate effect.

The minister said the suspension was unprocedural.

Mr Dube was suspended on Monday last week on allegations of corruption and abuse of office, and councillors endorsed the suspension in a full council meeting the following day.

The City’s Mayor Cllr Thuso Moyo suspended Mr Dube through a letter dated December 2, 2024 and said he suspension was in terms of Section 29: (3) of the Urban Councils Act.

The letter was addressed to other councillors, District Development Coordinator’s office and the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works.

It was meant to be for 14 days after which a decision was to be made based on findings of investigations into the allegations, Cllr Moyo had said.

The Mayor said he had received several complaints and allegations of abuse of office and corruption against Mr Dube about illegal allocation of land.

In a letter dated December 6, 2024 and addressed to the Mayor, Local Government and Public Works Minister Garwe said the suspension was not supported by any council policy and resolution in the interest of ratepayers.

The Minister ordered that the suspension be rescinded immediately.

“It has come to my attention that you suspended the Town Clerk Mr Ronnie Dube on 2 December 2024. On 3 December 2024 council convened a special full council meeting for ratification of the Town Clerk’s suspension.

“I have noted that the resolution which council made is not in line with Section 139 (4) of the Urban Councils Act by constituting two bodies of inquirywhich will financially prejudice council. The decision to pay the suspended Town Clerk allowances is also not supported by any council policy. I am therefore of the view that the resolution of Council is not in the interest of the inhabitants of the council area considered and or public interest who are the taxpayers of council,” said Minister Garwe.

He ordered a reversal of the suspension.

“With immediate effect i hereby in terms of Section 314 of the Urban Councils Act direct council to rescind the resolution made on 3 December regarding suspension of the Town Clerk,” said the Minister.

The issue has literally divided the local authority with a section of residents calling for action while others are concerned about interference into council operations by some residents.

Source: Government reverses 'unprocedural suspension' of Victoria Falls Town Clerk Ronnie Dube (07/12/24)

Read more: Corruption and abuse of office: Victoria Falls Town Clerk and 2024 CEO of the year suspended (04/12/24) 

Stands corruption storm in Victoria Falls (11/06/22)

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Corruption and abuse of office: Victoria Falls Town Clerk and 2024 CEO of the year suspended

(Zimbabwe, December 2024) VICTORIA Falls City Council Town Clerk Mr Ronnie Dube has been suspended on allegations of corruption and abuse of office.

The city’s councillors have endorsed the suspension in a full council meeting.

Victoria Falls mayor Cllr Prince Thuso Moyo suspended Mr Dube through a letter dated December 2, 2024.

He said the suspension was in terms of Section 29: (3) of the Urban Councils Act.

Mr Dube will be on suspension and barred from accessing his office or visiting the council offices for 14 days pending investigations, after which a decision will be made.

“In my capacity as the Mayor, I have received several complaints and allegations of abuse of office and corruption against yourself, particular I; It is alleged that you allocated or caused to be allocated stand 9615 to Priscila Thabolo and stand 9945 to Portia Salitsozo without following council procedure.

“It is alleged that you awarded a contract to Cascade Engineering Consultants for overseeing contract management without following the tender procedure, and it is alleged that you sold and transferred stand 1629 Chinotimba and council did not receive payment for the same, and the sale was not procedurally done. As a result of the above allegations among others, I hereby suspend you with immediate effect. You are required to leave council offices forthwith. Council will notify you of the way forward,” said Cllr Moyo.

The suspension letter was addressed to other councillors, the district Development Coordinator’s office and the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works.

Speaking after the full council meeting, Cllr Moyo said the suspension was for two weeks and had been communicated to the Gothe government.

He said the council adopted the suspension.

“The investigations are going on, and the council accepted the suspension, but for now, we stick to that. We have communicated to the Ministry and we will communicate on the resolutions that we made today,” said the mayor.

He could not shed more light on the specific charges.

The allegations border around the unprocedural allocation of some stands as the council rolled out a housing scheme recently.

Source: Corruption and abuse of office: Victoria Falls Town Clerk and 2024 CEO of the year suspended (04/12/24)

Read more: Stands corruption storm in Victoria Falls (11/06/22)